Advertising notice



Advertising notice

I finance the provision of the helpful information on this website through advertising (Nobody likes to work for free, I hope you understand it, but hosting websites costs a lot of time and money). By clicking on a link to Amazon (marked with * in the text, product images or „click here“ under these product images) or other advertising partners (eg AdSense) I earn some commission, insofar as there follows a purchase (Amazon Affiliate Program).

Most recommended products have been tested privately by myself. The product recommendations that I could not test for myself (for example, mattresses) have been generated by evaluating Amazon buyer ratings. I can not promise that these products are useful for the visitors of my website and reduce their health problems.

Artikel zuletzt aktualisiert am 9. April 2018 von
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* Link zu Amazon: Meine Webseite wird durch Werbung und Amazon Produktempfehlungen finanziert (Webseiten zu betreuen kostet leider viel Zeit und Geld). Als Amazon-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Käufen. Amazon und das Amazon-Logo sind Warenzeichen von, Inc. oder eines seiner verbundenen Unternehmen. Mehr Infos dazu

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